AIP / Allergy-Friendly Nice cream Brownie Sandwich

Jul 29, 2024


This Brownie Sandwich Recipe had to be shared!  It is not only so easy to make, its storable, decadent and a perfect treat, year round.  For those of us on elimination or restrictive diets (for whatever the reason!), it can be tough to find foods and treats that really satisfy.  This Brownie Sandwich is not only FREE of grains, gluten, dairy, nuts, eggs and more, its FREE of chocolate too!  Made with carob powder, its deliciously nutritious, without the caffeine.  If you are looking to hit the spot, we are pretty confident, THIS will do it :)


1. Preheat oven to 350

2. Mix up your Chewy Choconot Brownie Mix as directed on the back of the pouch and then spread into a parchment-lined small sheet pan, approximately 13 x 18".

3. While Brownies bake, soften your nice cream.  You can make your own and there are a number of yummy recipes for this, but we love using Fronen Brand Vanilla Ice Cream, because its 100% AIP compliant and already made for us!  So, make your own, or just sit your pre-made nice cream on the counter to soften.

4.  Remove Brownies from often and allow to cool completely (we typically place them in fridge or freezer to speed up the process!).

5.  Cut your brownies into desired sizes - about 3 x 3" squares are a nice size.

6. Spread your softened nice cream atop one side of brownie and then sandwich with a brownie top.  Smush down, ensuring nice cream is evenly spread around brownie sandwich.

7.  Wrap in plastic wrap or parchment and re-freeze.  Enjoy as you wish!


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